The 4 Tribes


The train for Koria

The Korian are a proud and fierce people. They stand tall on their webbed feet, their bulging muscles rippling beneath their green and brown skin. Each warrior wears a helmet adorned with the horns of a bull, and they carry massive axes and shields into battle.

But the Korian are more than just skilled warriors. They were also clever and resourceful, using their knowledge of the land and sea to thrive in their harsh environment. They build sturdy longboats to navigate the rough waters and construct longhouses to shelter their families.

Despite their rough exterior, the Frog Vikings are a community-oriented people. They valued loyalty and honor above all else, and they always stand together in times of hardship. They believed in the power of tradition and passed their customs and stories down from generation to generation.

The Korian are a unique and formidable tribe, feared and respected by all who encountered them.


The Train for Nolaria

The Nolarian are a majestic and noble people, renowned for their wisdom and leadership. They are known for their diplomatic skills and are respected by all for their ability to peacefully resolve conflicts.

The Nolarian are a proud and regal tribe, and their appearance reflects this. They wear rich, flowing garments in shades of gold and purple. Their manes are styled and groomed with care, and they wear ornate jewelry and crowns to symbolize their status.

Despite their love of luxury and refinement, the Nolarian are also a fiercely independent people. They value their freedom and autonomy above all else, and they are willing to fight to defend their way of life.

The Nolarian are a unique and respected tribe, admired by all for their wisdom and leadership.


The Train for Crawlia

The Crawlian are a hard-working tribe, known for their strong sense of community and their tireless dedication to their tasks. They are a vital part of their world, always striving to contribute and make a difference.